The ExplicitTransitions class implements the GSPN concept.
The author of the code supplies building blocks to this class:
Because the library offers choices in how to define the pieces, it will be necessary to build the GSPN and the its dynamics in steps. There are natural dependencies among the pieces, defined by what each entity is
An example of a PlaceKey from an SIR model shows that defining such a struct is verbose but painless:
struct SIRPlace
size_t disease;
size_t individual;
SIRPlace(size_t d, size_t i)
: disease(d), individual(i)
friend inline
bool operator<(const SIRPlace& a, const SIRPlace& b)
return lazy_less(a.disease, b.disease, a.individual,
friend inline
bool operator==(const SIRPlace& a, const SIRPlace& b)
return (a.disease==b.disease)&& (a.individual==b.individual);
friend inline
operator<<(std::ostream& os, const SIRPlace& cp)
return os << '(' << cp.disease << ", " << cp.individual<<')';
The template parameters for ExplicitTransitions are as above:
typedef LocalMarking<Uncolored<TokenType>> Local;
typedef ExplicitTransitions<PlaceKey, TransitionKey, Local,
RandGen, UserState> GSPN;
The LocalMarking class is the marking of input and output tokens for a particular transition. Instead of using PlaceKey to identify particular sets of tokens, it assumes the transition can access its edges with an ordinal (first, second, third). The idea is to define transitions which don’t need to know how their marking is indexed and stored.
A transition has three responsibilities. Determine when it is enabled, choose a continuous variable distribution function for its firing time, and modify the marking when it fires. Enabling and calculating a distribution happen at the same time, so they are in one function.
A transition inherits from the ExplicitTransition template. It acts on the local marking to produce distributions or move tokens:
using Transition=ExplicitTransition<Local,RandGen,WithParams>;
using Dist=TransitionDistribution<RandGen>;
class InfectNeighbor : public Transition
virtual std::pair<bool, std::unique_ptr<Dist>>
Enabled(const UserState& s, const Local& local_marking,
double te, double t0) const override
if (local_marking.template input_tokens_sufficient<0>())
return {true, std::unique_ptr<Dist>(
new WeibullDistribution(, te))};
return {false, std::unique_ptr<Dist>(nullptr)};
virtual void Fire(UserState& s, Local& local_marking,
RandGen& rng) const override
local_marking.template transfer_by_stochiometric_coefficient<0>(rng);
The Enabled() method’s parameters are
For a newly-enabled transition, the current time and enabling time will be the same. The enable method will be called any time a transition fires which shares an input or output place. If this transition was enabled and should remain so, then it likely wants to keep its original enabling time.
The implementation of ExplicitTransitions requires that we construct it with a builder which then produces the GSPN object. The builder has just three methods, add_place(), add_transition(), and build(). It checks that transitions have, as inputs and outputs, places which exist. It ensures every PlaceKey and TransitionKey is unique. The signatures of its methods:
void BuildGraph::AddPlace(const PlaceKey&, size_t token_layer);
typedef std::tuple<PlaceKey,int> BuildGraph::PlaceEdge;
void BuildGraph::AddTransition(const TransitionKey&,
const std::vector<BuildGraph::PlaceEdge>&,
The PlaceEdge contains a PlaceKey and a stochiometric coefficient, which should be negative on inputs and positive on outputs, and specifies the number of tokens required and the number to move when firing.
For example, we can take advantage of the C++ initializer_list to construct a GSPN succinctly:
build_system(size_t individual_cnt)
BuildGraph<GSPN> bg;
using Edge=BuildGraph<GSPN>::PlaceEdge;
enum { s, i, r };
for (size_t ind_idx=0; ind_idx<individual_cnt; ind_idx++)
for (size_t place : std::vector<int>{s, i, r})
bg.AddPlace({place, ind_idx}, 0);
for (size_t left_idx=0; left_idx<individual_cnt-1; left_idx++)
bg.AddTransition({left_idx, left_idx, 0},
{Edge{{i, left_idx}, -1}, Edge{{r, left_idx}, 1}},
std::unique_ptr<SIRTransition>(new Recover())
for (size_t right_idx=left_idx+1; right_idx<individual_cnt; right_idx++)
SIRPlace left{i, left_idx};
SIRPlace rights{s, right_idx};
SIRPlace righti{i, right_idx};
bg.AddTransition({left_idx, right_idx, 0},
{Edge{left, -1}, Edge{rights, -1}, Edge{left, 1}, Edge{righti, 1}},
std::unique_ptr<SIRTransition>(new InfectNeighbor()));
SIRPlace lefts{s, left_idx};
SIRPlace lefti{i, left_idx};
SIRPlace right{i, right_idx};
bg.AddTransition({right_idx, left_idx, 0},
{Edge{right, -1}, Edge{lefts, -1}, Edge{right, 1}, Edge{lefti, 1}},
std::unique_ptr<SIRTransition>(new InfectNeighbor()));
// std::move the transitions because they contain unique_ptr.
return std::move(;
The last step is to create the marking and state. There is one implementation of a marking in the library. While we defined a PlaceKey above, the ExplicitTransitions class uses a different place and transition key internally, chosen by the Boost Graph Library implementation. Both are just type size_t. The marking and state are therefore:
using Mark=Marking<size_t, Uncolored<IndividualToken>>;
using State=GSPNState<Mark,TransitionKey,UserState>;
State state;
If the UserState had a member named parameters, then we could access it as state.user.parameters.
How do we initialize the marking? Unfortunately, the marking doesn’t use our PlaceKey, so we have to add a translation step from the PlaceKey we know to the size_t we don’t:
size_t susceptible=gspn.PlaceVertex(
PlaceKey{Disease::Susceptible, individual_idx});
add<0>(state.marking, susceptible, IndividualToken{});
The GSPN remembers the original PlaceKey and will translate for us. The second line adds a new token to the marking.
That’s everything that defines the model and the state of the system. We made places, transitions, and a marking. The next step is to simulate a trajectory of the system.
Given a representation of a GSPN, what steps will simulate a trajectory from that GSPN? As a semi-Markov model, the GSPN tracks in time the state of a system and defines the possible transitions to next states of the system. The core matrix of a semi-Markov model is just that, the probability of any next state and the probability of when that a particular state happens. We simulate a trajectory by looking at only the transitions which are enabled for the current state. This is the partial core matrix. Given this partial core matrix, a propagator selects the next state.
The partial core matrix has two responsibilities. For the underlying GSPN, it enforces the rule, central to this kind of semi-Markov model, that distributions of transitions are recalculated only when a transition fires which shares marking. Sharing markings is the only permitted way to express dependence among processes in the system. A distribution may depend arbitrarily on external state, such as temperature, but no transition can affect the distribution of another transition except by changing the marking.
The partial core matrix also has a responsiblity to present to a propagator distributions in time of the currently-enabled competing processes. The propagator is a function which samples these distributions to return the next transition to fire.:
using HazardPropagator=NonHomogeneousPoissonProcesses<TransitionKey,RandGen>;
HazardPropagator competing_hazards;
using GeneralPropagator=PropagateCompetingProcesses<TransitionKey,RandGen>;
GeneralPropagator other_processes;
using Dynamics=StochasticDynamics<SIRGSPN,SIRState,RandGen>;
Dynamics dynamics(gspn, {&competing_hazards, &other_processes});
It is the StochasticDynamics class that coordinates, inside, with the partial core matrix. It will take enabled transitions from the GSPN and give their distributions to the appropriate propagator, depending on whether that propagator can calculate the firing time of that distribution. When a transition changes the marking, the StochasticDynamics object is able to track which parts of the marking changed and enable or disable transitions appropriately.
Finally, the main loop becomes short:
dynamics.Initialize(&state, &rng);
bool running=true;
auto nothing=[](SIRState&)->void {};
while (running) {
Here, output_function is an object which acts on the state and gathers results.
After each transition, we observe the state of the system using the GSPN object and the GSPNState object.
This class is the state of the system.
The marking is saved as a marking member. The member function state.marking.modified() will list which places changed during the last transition.
The absolute time of the system.
This member is an instance of the class UserState.
For example, an instance of the following class observes when the number of infected individuals within a population has passed a given threshold:
template<typename GSPN>
class SIROutputFunction
typedef void result_type;
size_t _pop_cnt;
size_t _ind_cnt;
size_t _threshold;
std::vector<size_t> _infected_per_pop;
std::vector<double> _first_passage_time;
std::vector<bool> _passed;
SIROutputFunction(size_t population_cnt,
size_t individuals_per_metapopulation, size_t threshold_for_passage)
: _pop_cnt(population_cnt), _ind_cnt(individuals_per_metapopulation),
_first_passage_time(population_cnt, 0), _passed(population_cnt, false),
_infected_per_pop(population_cnt, 0)
result_type operator()(const GSPN& gspn, const SIRState& state)
auto& modified=state.marking.modified();
for (auto place_idx : modified)
// Translate the internal place index into the PlaceKey
// used to define the GSPN when building the graph.
SIRPlace p=gspn.vertex_place(place_idx);
if (p.disease==1)
bool filled=(length<0>(state.marking, place_idx)>0);
if (filled)
if (_infected_per_pop[p.metapop]==_threshold)
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(info)<<"Population "<<p.metapop
<<" at time "<<state.current_time();
We use such an object by calling it within the main loop:
size_t transition_cnt=0;
auto nothing=[](SIRState&)->void {};
for ( ;
next=propagate_competing_processes(system, nothing, rng))
BOOST_LOG_TRIVIAL(debug) << "trans " << std::get<0>(next) << " time " <<
output(gspn, state);