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Requirements and Installation

This is a header-only library. Running ./configure and make will build example codes and copy header files into the specified include directory.


  • C++ supporting the C++11 standard, which includes gcc 4.8 or newer and clang 3.4 or newer.
  • Boost libraries, version 1.54 or newer.
  • Make. The configure script and Makefile were created with autoconf and automake.
  • Testing is regularly done on Linux and Mac, but the library is just C++ so it should compile anywhere.


  1. Determine the flavor of your boost libraries. The names of Boost binaries may contain extra information, most commonly ending in -mt, such as Locate your libraries with locate libboost_chrono or, on the mac, mdfind -name libboost_chrono and ensure you have a full set of one of the variants. If your library sits somewhere like /usr/local/boost_1_54_0mt/lib/, then build with the following options to configure:

    ./configure --with-boost=/usr/local/boost_1_54_0mt --enable-variant=-mt

    Proper choice of boost directory and variant will lead to a string of yes in the configure output:

    checking for exit in -lpthread... yes
    checking for exit in -lboost_system... yes
    checking for exit in -lboost_random... yes
    checking for exit in -lboost_program_options... yes
    checking for exit in -lboost_filesystem... yes
    checking for exit in -lboost_date_time... yes
    checking for exit in -lboost_log... yes
    checking for exit in -lboost_log_setup... yes
    checking for exit in -lboost_unit_test_framework... yes
  2. Modify the destination directory by adding a flag to configure:

    ./configure --prefix=$HOME

    With this option, the headers will install into the directory $HOME/include/semimarkov-0.1. It is possible to modify the compiler and linker flags:

    ./configure CXX=g++ CXXFLAGS="-O2 -march=native"

    All of these sample flags can be used in combination, and help is found with ./configure –help.

  3. Lastly, make the examples and install the headers:

    make install

Should it be necessary to rebuild the configure script:

  1. Run autoreconf --force --install. This will run aclocal, autoconf, and automake.