
This package implements an adjacency list, along the textbook definitions, using the Boost.Graph interface. Where Boost.Graph returns an opaque vertex_descriptor, this package returns an instance of a type which is internal to the package, so it’s the moral equivalent.

This package is slower than Graphs.jl. The data structure is more compact, but maybe it could use optimization. It is young, yet.

Create an AdjacencyList

Choose what data structure stores the list of vertices (VC) and what data structure stores the list of neighbors of each vertex (NC). Choose what extra properties each vertex (VP), edge (EP), and graph (GP) should store additionally. For instance,:

adj=AdjacencyList(Vector,Deque,Int,Float,"my graph")
println(graph_property(adj)) # "my graph"
v1=add_vertex!(3, adj)
v2=add_vertex!(7, adj)
println(vertex_property(v2, adj)) # 7
e1=add_edge!(v1, v2, 2.6, adj)
println(edge_property(e1, adj)) # 2.6

Choices for vertex storage are

  • Vector—This makes the vertex_descriptor an integer. Slower for growing the graph.
  • Deque—The vertex_descriptor is some internal type. Faster for growing the graph.
  • Dict—Specify a dict by creating a TypeConstructor, using a typealias. “typealias IntDict{T} Dict{Int,T}” Then pass IntDict as the argument. When using a dict, add a key value when calling add_vertex!(key, value, graph).

Choices for neighbor storage are

  • Vector—A compact storage choice. Using a Vector here doesn’t affect naming of vertices and doesn’t make the edge_descriptor type any more simple. It is always possible to make an edge with the method edge(vertex_descriptor, vertex_descriptor).
  • Deque—Would grow faster.
  • Set–Using a set guarantees that there is only one edge between any two vertices.

The graph can be created as undirected, as well:

adj=AdjacencyList(Vector,Deque,Int,Float,"my graph", is_directed=false)

This creates a reverse edge for each edge added.

Working with an AdjacencyList

Properties attached to a graph, edge, or vertex, can be any type:

type EdgeProperty

adj=AdjacencyList(Vector,Deque,Int,EdgeProperty,"my graph")
v1=add_vertex!(3, adj)
v2=add_vertex!(7, adj)
e1=add_edge!(v1, v2, EdgeProperty(0.6, -2), adj)
println(edge_property(e1).stoichiometry, adj) # -2

In order to omit a property, specify it as a tuple type. For instance add no types with:

adj=AdjacencyList(Vector,Deque, (), (), ())

Access behaves as with Boost.Graph:

for v in vertices(adj)
  for out_edge in out_edges(v, adj)
    if edge_property(out_edge, adj).stoichiometry<0
      println(edge_property(out_edge, adj).weight)

assert(v1==source(e1, adj))
assert(v2==target(e1, adj))
assert(e1==edge(v1, v2, adj))
assert(1==out_degree(v1, adj))

for n in out_neighbors(v1, adj)

There is no way to remove an edge or vertex.

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